Prof. James Stevens Curl still does his own drawings himself, by hand, no computers or anything like that. His forthcoming Classical Architecture will contain many drawings by him, and the hardback copies should go out to subscribers later this month, all being well.
Prof. Curl is also currently working on what he promises to definitely be his very last book: a monograph on an architect who flourished between the 1790s and the middle of the 19th century, Thomas Downes Wilmot Dearn (1777-1853). The book is expected to be published next Autumn (Fall to our American colleagues).
Curl is also working on a lecture for the Oslo Beauty and Ugliness Symposium in May 2-3-4, 2025. Be here or be square--because if you are not there you are not around.
Purchase Curl's Classical Architecture and support the Dearn project:, which will be beautifully illustrated with numerous designs and drawings by Dearn.